Page 3 - Reviews - California Gold Nutrition, Matcha Road, Organic Ceremonial Matcha, 1 oz (28 g) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Aug 16, 2023
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

As a matcha enthusiast, I've had my fair share of experiences with various brands, but this matcha truly stands out. From the moment I opened the package, I could tell that I was in for a treat. The vibrant green color and the inviting aroma were indicative of the tea's freshness and quality. Upon brewing my first cup, I was greeted by a smooth and velvety texture that coated my palate with every sip. The flavor was remarkably balanced, offering a harmonious blend of earthy undertones and a subtle hint of sweetness. One aspect that particularly impressed me was the fine consistency of the matcha powder. It blended effortlessly with water, resulting in a beautifully frothy cup that was a joy to prepare and even more enjoyable to savor. Whether enjoyed as a traditional hot cup or as .a refreshing iced drink I also appreciate the attention to detail in your packaging. The resealable pouch ensured that the matcha remained fresh and vibrant, preserving its flavor for every subsequent cup. Your commitment to quality is clearly evident and greatly valued by a discerning matcha lover like myself. In conclusion, I am thoroughly pleased with the matcha tea I ordered from iHerb. The experience was nothing short of delightful, and I can confidently say that I've found my new go-to source for this cherished green elixir. Thank you for offering such a superior product that has elevated my daily tea ritual.ds, As a matcha enthusiast, I've had my fair share of experiences with various brands, but your matcha truly stands out. From the moment I opened the package, I could tell that I was in for a treat. The vibrant green color and the inviting aroma were indicative of the tea's freshness and quality. Upon brewing my first cup, I was greeted by a smooth and velvety texture that coated my palate with every sip. The flavor was remarkably balanced, offering a harmonious blend of earthy undertones and a subtle hint of sweetness. One aspect that particularly impressed me was the fine consistency of the matcha powder. It blended effortlessly with water, resulting in a beautifully frothy cup that was a joy to prepare and even more enjoyable to savor. Whether enjoyed as a traditional hot cup or as a refreshing iced beverage.