Page 3 - Reviews - Nubian Heritage, Body Lotion, Raw Shea Butter, 13 fl oz (384 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Feb 13, 2024
Verified Purchase

This has honestly been a miracle lotion. The best part of all, I mostly use it for my face! I've been looking for a great moisturizer that isn't jam pack with junk, but will also last a long time. With this I'm absolutely getting my moneys worth. Its a very good sized bottle, and little goes a long way! On the bottle, it says the lotion is fast absorbing, and I believe it! I can wear it under makeup and everything. Its been helping to detoxify my skin i've felt. At first it seemed like I was breaking out, but its just been the blemishes underneath my skin pushing on it (blackheads too!). After about a week or two my skin is on its way to the dewy pretty skin I've wanted for ages. I've gone through pretty much every other moisturizer/lotion on the planet, and i'm glad I never gave up or settled. This bottle is going to last at LEAST 3 months for my face. I've also been using it on my chest to kinda help pretty up so acne scars, and the texture of the skin there has been improving as well. This has honestly been a miracle. I have the most sensitive skin, and even baby mild products aren't mild enough. This stuff is great! the smell isn't at all atrocious on the senses either. It has a pretty mellow scent. I feel its kinda hard to have an issue with it. The scent I do smell, I feel is good. Who cares if it doesn't smell like mangos? I just want it to work well! Overall, this product has just been perfect. All those little tiny blemishes (that aren't even red, just tiny tiny bumps) have been going away. I've never seen my face so flat