Page 2 - Reviews - Swanson, Relora, 250 mg, 90 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jul 23, 2023
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

I have 38 pills left out of 120 so I'm almost done with the bottle. This will be my final update simply because I'm pretty sure my results will remain consistent especially with something new I've learned. My update was suppose to be on the 2nd of this month but I forgot *I'm sorry!*. Added Info I've Learned: I've been taking Relora religiously 3 times a day like it said to do. I even set alarms on my phone at certain times of the day of when to take it. When I first started taking this over a month ago, I noticed a difference in my appetite within the first week of using it. Here it is a month later and I find myself eating no more than twice a day. Sometimes depending on what I eat, I can eat only ONE time the whole day and NOT be hungry for the rest of the day!!! What I came to realize is that if I eat...lets say a Chicken Carbonara *large* from Quizno's and that's the first thing I ate all day, I won't feel hungry again until the next day no matter what time I ate it. For another example though, I can eat a Nutri-grain bar in the morning and won't find myself getting hungry again until 1 pm or 2 pm. Now if I don't eat anything until 12 pm, there are times it will be a veggie burger *no buns* and I will be fine for the rest of the day as well. If I DID get hungry then I would eat less than half of whatever I cooked. Lets say it's spaghetti, before Relora I could have a plate full, eat it all, then come back for seconds. Now I'm at the point I can only consume a portion that rivals what my 2 year old nephew eats and be full from it. I noticed I was getting low on pills and was worried about the whole "when you stop taking it then you gain all the weight back". I skipped 3 days of taking it and my eating habits stayed the same. So basically Relora got my body use to a certain way of eating and now mentally I'm able to control it myself. Relora is NOT a "Fix It" Supplement!!! It is a supplement that ASSIST you in controlling your eating habits while giving you extra benefits to taking it as well.